Sunday, November 06, 2011

wedding shower

Friday was spent doing school work + this. My tita who's about 40+ years old is finally getting married! Instead of having just a bridal shower, she and her fiance decided to make it a joint bridal/stag party. My mom helped in organizing it, so she let me help wrap up some of the prizes for the party.

The theme color was purple; hence the purple crepe paper. But since I didn't want the color from the crepe leaving marks on the table (especially when wet), I used a dirty white waterproof-Jap kind of paper (I really don't know what it's made of) for the outer covering to keep it clean. 

This is probably one of the easiest ways to present anything that needs rush wrapping. So simple yet pretty and presentable. 

The ribbon box. It really is so fun to work with things that are organized. Mess them up and fix them again! 

I actually wrapped more later on, but since I was trying my best to get the wrapping done asap, I didn't take photos of the others anymore. 

ps. I love wrapping. So if your mommies (or you) are too busy to wrap Christmas gifts, just let me know and I would love to get paid and wrap them for her! 


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