Wednesday, November 09, 2011

jako the pug

Been going through my old Tumblr posts trying to search for the photos of my dogs I posted long ago, but I ended up finding this photo of Jako I took for my FOTOCOM class in my second year of college. This was taken about a year ago and I feel that Jako has (physically) aged quite a bit from that time. He's much fatter now (because of his surgery, he had to take some vitamins to make him strong and it got him fat), and his face a bit more crumpled with his nostrils size slightly reduced, which makes it a bit harder for him to breathe. He has become more sleepy and lazy actually, especially during the afternoons. But even though Jako is slowly aging (and is already 6 or 7 years old, half the life span of a regular pug), he still is and will always be the most obedient, malambing dog ever.


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