Tuesday, September 25, 2012

a little about fellow

The accessories are almost out! 
Fellow now has a Facebook page which you can like AND share HERE! Get updated with accessory releases and Fellow users! You may also follow @fellowaccessories on Instagram :)

Watch the little teaser I made and find out what the Fellow's been up to!

A little about this Fellow. 

So after a few posts about accessory making and selling, I finally pre-launched the little project. It's a first for me so I'm hoping for the best but expecting the least. I started making these accessories because I love accessories. And then fell in love with Accessorize. It's like Audrey's Tiffany & Co. I could just enter that store knowing I can't buy anything and leave happy (although sometimes, very sad because I desperately want something); hence, the accessory making. I started making for myself, and then for gifts, and now I decided to make for those interested in buying. But don't expect much, I'm still trying to figure out a lot about the craft, but hopefully my first batch won't be so bad. The first batch will be very simple and easy to use because it has more earth tones, plus I wanted to keep it extra simple so that the men too will consider accessorizing!

For this, I would like to acknowledge the help of my faithful fellow, Chesca, who has consistently assisted me in making accessories and building Fellow. She is also my graphic designer for my logo, and instructions and announcements layouts, so if you are in need of one, don't hesitate to contact her at che.gamboa@gmail.com

Hoping not to disappoint Fellow costumers! Please help me spread the word! :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

free bee

By this time I thought I would be spending my days bumming and just lounging around the house, eating the world, and then gyming it out after. But instead of the light, relaxing schedule, I am up at six in the morning dressing up for my temporary job and working the whole day.

I spend my 8AM-4PM at my previous high school getting paid to help out in an event. Never thought I'd end up working there, but it actually isn't so bad. Spent eleven years of my life in that school, so I'm pretty much comfortable doing anything. Plus it's just a three-month job to help out in an event that will bring about some upgrade in the school's facilities. 

It is only after work and gym that I am finally able to focus on my accessories again. Unfortunately, it's always time for accessory making that gets pushed back, which is why it's taking a while for me to start selling. But after a few free days of being able to work on them, I'm finally almost ready to sell. Just a few more things to do and it'll be out! I'll be putting it all on Facebook for the meantime, but will hopefully move to something better later on. Stay tuned!

Product shoot

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Newly added to the list of links on the left column of this blog is my Pinterest. I've been delaying making this account for a long time now only because I know it's something I would get addicted to. Lo and behold, I've already established eleven boards and a hundred pins after a day of getting Pinterest-ed. Oh boy.

Initially I wanted to make it my private little online haven of things that I admire and lust over, but I decided to put it here so that I could easily find and be found by friends and other Pinterest users. Plus it's always more fun to share!

A view of my boards (so far). Check it out!

Friday, September 07, 2012


Reblogged this photo on Tumblr almost a year ago and I'm still in love with it. Wish my room was something like this! 

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

thesis done

Photo taken using one of Lee's awesome apps on her iPad. Our last day of editing!

This is the exact moment I was thinking of yesterday. The night after thesis defense. The feeling of finally getting thesis OVER and DONE with. I seriously cannot express how happy and relieved I am that we finally made it through. It's DONE!

Just the final thesis paper work, a GENDERS paper and STATLIT finals away from graduation. Almost there!