Thursday, March 15, 2012

an update on life

` I finally finished my P365 for February and I personally think it didn't come out as nice as I wanted it to be to make up for an average Jan outcome. Been so forgetful (and slightly lazy) on some days that I end up settling for a badly lit photo with bad quality. It really is so hard to get a photo on those nothing days when all you do is sleep, work and eat. But I'm honestly still glad I haven't stopped, because there was a point in Feb that I almost gave in to my laziness. I'm moving on to March!
Here are some good photos from Feb.

February 2, 2012

February 3, 2012

February 8, 2012

`I really am a fan of close-up shots, so if you're an FB friend or an Instagram follower, you'll probably notice that most of my photos are close-ups. I don't know why, I guess I just find it more appealing when small details are somewhat magnified. But for my March I'm hoping for shots with more variety in size.

`We're making the move! My parents finally found a house.

`My Facebook and Y! mail were hacked into the other day. I got my FB back, luckily. My mail, no. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to get over the fact that my most important email account is gone. I tried retrieving it by answering my secret questions, but apparently the hacker changed my answers as well. I googled all night trying to find a way to get it back, and I found a few people with the same problem. Some of them got their accounts back, but that was years ago. I tried what they did but unfortunately Y! can no longer be contacted, and they tried to make available on the site all the possible solutions to the questions you may have with your account, and it is up to you to find the one to solve your problem. Now my account is gone. All my old emails and photos were there, as well as my high school and majority of my college life. That account is what I used for all my academic Yahoo Groups, so now I'm not getting any mail. So frustrating.

No one knows my password and I haven't used a public computer in months, so I don't think I carelessly left my account on. Some of my friends have been getting emails about someone trying to change their passwords, but luckily they got a text from Yahoo warning them of it (I guess I didn't give my cell number when I signed up, huhu). So keep your accounts private and difficult to hack into to the maximum level! It's just an account, but once it's gone, you'll realize how important it actually is. I did!